Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Learned some new vocabulary that really enriches my life: hyou-gara.

Leopard print. How did I go this long without knowing how to say this?


  1. (psst i think it's hyou-gara ヒョウ柄)

  2. Yatta! Happy to see this post because my regular blogroll is in Tumble-weed town. Also I like feline fur!

  3. Thanks J! Fixed.

    JD, I hear ya. Even though this weather is perfect for blogging, no? Cold crappy rainy. I think I'll take me computer into the bath.

  4. *me computer* - talk like a pirate day?

  5. Back in the days when I took a class on Fridays (eons ago) I learnt Hyougara and I was all, hello? I should have learnt that four years ago! I told everyone about it: "Do you know how to say animal print?", "No" (much to my delight no-one knew), but it never excited them as much as me. I was wearing me pink tiger cardi a lot those days. And hyougara tights. Anyway. One of my favorite words.

  6. I was asking N what the diff. was between "gara" and "moyou", and it seems that it's hyou-gara, but can be either shima-gara or shima-moyou. Same with checks. Blast. Never gonna keep all of these straight. But hyou-gara, I'll remember.
