Friday, January 28, 2011


Somehow I got randomly selected to be a panelist for the Bloggies. I've been following, loosely, these blob awards for a few years, because I usually find a few that I like in the mix. And this year I got to help select the finalists! So here are a few that stood out that I liked from the semi-finalists.

From the Best LGBT category:
Effing Dykes
This girl is hella funny, but also smart. And also lately I'm in the habit of shortening my curses, not sure why. I've been saying "Em Effer!" I think this started when I was too much of a prude to talk about the act some people like to do in bed so I said "Tee Effing". Gross.

I don't remember which category, maybe Best Topical?
Urban Homestead
This site has lots of tips and advice to do more with less. Kind of like a more practical, less hipster Readymade mag.

Um, Lifetime Achievement category maybe?
The Bloggess
I haven't read this one a bunch, but the thing she did with organizing people who were too broke to celebrate Xmas to help each other was wicked cool. Oh, I first read about that on Pacing the Panic Room which I thought I'd shout out to because Ryan plays cool music and last night I dreamed Cole cut my hair. Also, The Bloggess has a terrible potty mouth and I fucking love a potty mouth.

That's all for now.


  1. Didn't realize i was hungry but I can't figure out what the letters mean:
    Lesbian Gay Bacon Tomato is all I can think of!!

  2. Ha ha Don, that sounds like a pretty good sandwich!

    Jenny, I'm starstruck! A visit from a real blog celebrity all the way over here... whoa. Good luck in the bloggies, you deserve it!
