Thursday, November 09, 2006


I wasn't so enthusiastic about a recent trip to the Yokohama Museum of Art to see the "Idols" show.
I'm not sure what i was expecting - maybe some more interesting and in depth commentary. However, what I got was a lot of pink, a lot of big photography, and a lot of close ups. The exhibit was very pop. True, the idea of the "idol" has morphed a bit in Japan, expanding to include such things as manga characters and kabuki actors. I guess I would have liked the artists to explore a bit further than they did.

I liked some of the video pieces, especially the shorts, but they seemed kind of kankeinai.

I don't recommend spending a thousand yen unless you really want to see 5000 cartoon trading cards and a couple dozen 70s magazine covers plastered on the wall, along with a larger than life shot of ugly old Paris Hilton in barbie pink screaming from the foyer.

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